asterope artists
feel the love
asterope artists
feel the love
“Having a versatile product line affords us the opportunity to work with a wide variety of amazing and talented people. We’re motivated and inspired by fellow artists to develop products that enhance the creative and listening experience for themselves and their listeners. We support their creative efforts and appreciate their endorsements and support. Come on and join the band!”
professional players
from sessions to world tours
professional players
from sessions to world tours
• Mike Stern (web) (video)
• Reeves Gabrels (web) (video)
• Gerry Leonard (web) (video)
• Naoto Suzuki (web) (video)
• Jerry Douglas (web) (video)
• Tony McManus (web) (video)
• Kyohei Ariga (web) (video)
• John Jackson (web) (video)
• Russ Pahl (web) (video)
• Teymur Phell (web) (video)
• Shunji Takenaka (web) (video)
• Corey Congilio (web) (video)
• Chris Maresh (web) (video)
• Takashi Masuzaki (web) (video)
• Daniel Danato (web) (video)
• Gurasanpark (web) (video)
• Mark Epstein (web) (video)
• Blaze Crause (web) (video)
• B.B. Morse (web) (video)
• Mark Pacificar (web) (video)
• Brandon Boone (web) (video)
• Jack Kosto (web) (video)
• Tyler Morris (web) (video)
• Kevin Spears (web) (video)
• David Grissom (web) (video)
• Mike Moreno (web) (video)
• Jack Pearson (web) (video)
• Kenny Vaughan (web) (video)
• Roscoe Beck (web) (video)
• Phil Keaggy (web) (video)
• Fumika Asari (web) (video)
• Doug Wimbish (web) (video)
• Sally Gates (web) (video)
• Lance Keltner (web) (video)
• Dave Fowler (web) (video)
• Linda Taylor (web) (video)
• Satoshi Oka (web) (video)
• Joe Gore (web) (video)
• Keegan McClellan (web) (video)
• Michael Douchette (web) (video)
• Chris Anderson (web) (video)
• Koichi Yabori (web) (video)
• Buck McKinney (web) (video)
• Walter Ino (web) (video)
• Vik Momjian (web) (video)
• Dino Ivelja (web) (video)
• Giovanni Rodriguez (web) (video)
• Teppei Kawasaki (web) (video)
“The first time I heard Asterope it blew my mind! This is literally the lifeline between all your great gear that you spend your money on and you labor over. You want to have something just as important in between them. Simply do the taste test and give it a listen, that’s all you’ll need to do.”
setting sonic standards
setting sonic standards
“Asterope puts a ‘halo’ around my sound. Nothing else captures and conveys the nuance and articulation like these cables do. Asterope makes everything sound better, whether I’m tracking or mixing. The depth and sonic dimension is something you need to experience for yourself.”
singer songwriters
finding the tools to inspire
singer songwriters
finding the tools to inspire
“Asterope brings out the body and warmth in my acoustic instruments. Sonically, it comes from somewhere else. There’s nothing else to call it but a feel good, hallelujah sound! It makes me want to play.”
recording engineers
asterope simply delivers more
recording engineers
asterope simply delivers more
“These cables have opened my ears. I’ve never experienced the sonics that this technology delivers. The transient response is unlike anything I’ve ever heard. I’d never truly heard the full bandwidth of available sound coming from musical instruments until now. There is clarity and definition far beyond anything I’ve ever witnessed.”