We’re reeling still from what a moving and meaningful evening it turned out to be on Friday of SNAMM. The entire Asterope team would like to offer its sincerest thanks to everyone who planned, attended or participated in the event. Among others, we would like to thank Pat McMakin, Sal Greco, Austin Atwood, Josh Ditty and everyone at Ocean Way Nashville (owned by Belmont University); Michael Spriggs, Dave Pomeroy, Johnny Neel, Tony Gerber, Corey Congilio, Sam Bacco, Russ Pahl, Ed Rode, Bil VornDick, Tom Davis, Charles Whitfill and Whitfill Custom Guitars, Hunter Beckgerd, Jamie Scott and 3rd Power Amplification, Phil Bradbury and Little Walter Tube Amps, Phil Jamison and Matchless Amplifiers, Larry Fishman and all of our friends at Fishman, Jon Levy, Brett Petrusek, Gary Ciocci and everyone at Premier Guitar; Jeff Donnenwerth and Guitar Player, and all of our family and friends who made the trip out from Austin.
This was the first session ever tracked and recorded exclusively with Asterope. Below are the unmastered mixes, with no reverb or EQ. Check out the clarity, dimension, balance and frequency response...the sonics are stunning. DOWNLOAD and enjoy!
Track 1: Variations in D: .wav 142.9MB .m4a 17.9MB
Track 2: Over the Mountain: .wav 62.9MB .m4a 7.6MB
The band (from left to right) - Dave Pomeroy, Dariush Rad, Johnny Neel, Michael Spriggs, Tony Gerber, Corey Congilio, Sam Bacco and Russ Pahl
Photo by Ed Rode
This event marked our official launch into Pro Audio, so we were flattered and elated by the number of world-class engineers and pro audio professionals present. We sincerely appreciated their feedback at the event and shared excitement about the applications of our technology.

We’re back in Austin building DSub, RCA and near-field monitoring solutions, as well as configuring pro audio kits for home and commercial studios to sample. From the inception of the company, we set out to establish a new sonic standard, and we are excited to take this next step in doing that. We appreciate the support and encouragement of all who have been on this ride with us from the beginning and that of those we’ve been blessed to meet along the way … Exciting things to come!